Casts : Colin Morgan, Anthony Head, Richard Wilson
A treasure chamber is unearthed beneath Camelot,the centre-piece being the shining blue stone in the sarcophagus lid of Cornelius Sigan. Decades earlier Sigan was executed for sorcery and died vowing revenge.Greedy Cedric hears of the treasure and comes to Camelot. Learning that only Merlin and Arthur have keys to the vault he worms his way into the dim young prince’s confidence and steals the keys, looting the chamber and stealing the stone. He is consequently possessed by Sigan’s spirit, taking on his magic powers and animating gargoyles, which terrorize the city. In return for a promise that one day he will set him free, Merlin acquires extra powers from the Great Dragon and does battle with Cedric, saving Camelot once again. Given what has happened. however, Pendragon is more convinced than before that magic is only evil.
Realising that jousting opponents always let him win because he is the Royal prince, Arthur pretends to leave court and enters the lists in disguise, to win on merit.He stays with Guinevere, who tells him some home truths about his arrogance and they kiss. Moorish assassin Myror, paid by neighbouring king Odin, whose son challenged a reluctant Arthur to a duel and lost, arrives at Camelot to kill the young prince. He enters the joust with a lance which has a dagger on its tip, but Merlin uses magic to defeat and kill Myror. Arthur has learned some humility by his experience but tells Guinevere that Pendragon would oppose any romance between them.
When Morgana sets her room on fire in her sleep she realizes she has magic powers and Merlin, against the advice of Gaius and the dragon, sends her to seek advice from the Druids. Pendragon, believing she has been abducted, orders the deaths of all suspected magicians unless she is returned so Merlin goes after her, locating her in the Druid village, where chieftain Aglain tells her the truth but gives her confidence that magic can be used for good. However, Merlin must get her back to Camelot before Arthur and a vengeful search party catch up with them.
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